{{- $original_img := (.Page.Resources.ByType "image").GetMatch (printf "*%s" (.Get "src")) -}} {{- $alt := "" -}}{{ if isset .Params "alt" }}{{ $alt = .Get "alt" | safeHTML }}{{ end }} {{- $title := "" -}}{{ if isset .Params "title" }}{{ $title = .Get "title" | safeHTML }}{{ end }} {{- $link := "" -}}{{ if isset .Params "link" }}{{ $link = (.Get "link") }}{{ end }} {{- $caption := "" -}}{{ if isset .Params "caption" }}{{ $caption = (.Get "caption" | markdownify ) }}{{ end }} {{- $float := "" -}}{{ if isset .Params "float" }}{{ $float = .Get "float" | default "" }}{{ end }} {{- $width := "" -}}{{ if isset .Params "width" }}{{ $width = .Get "width" | default $original_img.Width }}{{ end }} {{- if and (lt $width $original_img.Width ) ( $width ) -}} {{- $original_img = $original_img.Resize (printf "%dx webp" (int $width)) -}} {{- end -}} {{- with $original_img -}} {{- $image_webp_360 := "" -}} {{- $image_webp_500 := "" -}} {{- $image_webp_816 := "" -}} {{- $image_webp_1632 := "" -}} {{- if ge $original_img.Width 816 -}} {{- $image_webp_360 = $original_img.Resize "360x webp" -}} {{- $image_webp_500 = $original_img.Resize "500x webp" -}} {{- $image_webp_816 = $original_img.Resize "816x webp" -}} {{- if gt $original_img.Width 1632 -}} {{- $image_webp_1632 = $original_img.Resize "1632x webp" -}} {{- end -}} {{- else -}} {{- end -}}
{{- if ge $original_img.Width 816 -}} {{- if ( $link ) -}}{{- end -}} {{- $alt -}} {{- else -}} {{- if ( $link ) -}}{{- end -}} {{- $alt -}} {{- end -}} {{- if ( $link ) -}}{{- end -}} {{- if ( $caption ) -}}
{{- with $caption -}}{{.}}{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}} {{- if ( $link ) -}}{{- end -}} {{ $.Text }} {{- if ( $link ) -}}{{- end -}} {{- end -}}